Ms. Amanda Mason Walker was born in the summer of 1852 to Mr. Beal and Rebecca Lewis Mason.
Ms. Mason married Mr. Reuben Walker in April of 1870. She was 17 years old at the time. Since this is the first record of her in Maryland, it is likely that she and her parents were enslaved prior to November 1864.
They lived in Westminster, Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Walker had at least ten children. As of 1900, only six children were still alive. Childhood in the 1800s was a difficult and dangerous time.
After her husband’s death in 1902, she lived with her daughter, Nettie, and her husband, Mr. Cornelius Frazier. They lived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Another daughter, Mrs. Mary Robinson, also lived in Philadelphia. Mrs. Walker may have been living with Mrs. Robinson at the time of her death.
Mrs. Amanda Mason Walker died on August 29, 1929.
[Note: Prior to the cleaning of her headstone, we believed her date of death inscribed to be 1909. Following the cleaning, we discovered that she had lived until 1929. The correct information has allowed us to discover more about her life.]
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