News Story:
Six ministers representing six churches in the community are appealing for community support in an effort to clean-up the Ellsworth Cemetery on Route 140 next to the Police Tower and Golf Range.
Spearheading the clean-up drive are Rev. John W. Thomson, First Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Dale Hylton, Meadow Branch Church of the Brethren, the Rev. Curtis W. Dubble, Westminster Church of the Brethren, Dr. M. J. Shroyer, representing the Westminster Methodist Church, the Rev. Martin McKenney, Union St. Methodist Church, and the Rev. John W. Morse, Union Memorial Baptist Church.
Graves in this cemetery date back to just after the Civil War, according to the president of the Ellsworth Cemetery Company, Marcellus H. Dickerson. Secretary of the company is Mrs. Mary Catherine Dorm and treasurer is Miss Carey Dorm.
The date set for the clean-up is Saturday, June 1, beginning at 8 a.m. with a rain date of June 8.
The cemetery covers over an acre of ground. The Cemetery Company has no funds at the present time to remove scrub trees which have about five years growth, the honeysuckle, as well as replace many stones which have been mischievously overturned.
Men who work on June 1 are asked to bring, if possible, an ax, a mattock, a power saw, and a garden rake. If you cannot work, contributions may be sent to Marcellus H. Dickerson, E. George St., Westminster.